Araceli Vásquez

Araceli Vásquez



+56 9 6227 1361

I joined Lembey because this is a law firm of excellence, with honest and quality professionals, able to provide legal advice with customer orientation.”

Lawyer with extensive experience in legal advisory and representation in the public and private sectors, specializing in Labor Relationships, with specialized training in Labor Law and certified in Labor Legislation, Social Security, and Labor Inclusion.


Certification in “Training of Manager of Labor Inclusion Based on ChileValora’s Santiago-Chile Profile”, Academia Ars, ARS GLOBAL-Consultores (2024)

Diploma in Labor Law, mention Collective Law and Negotiation, Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (2023)

Certification in Application and Use of Current Labor Legislation, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile-Facultad (2023)

Certification in Social Security Education, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Talca (2023)

Diploma in Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Chile (2022)

Lawyer and Bachelor in Legal Sciences, Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences, University of Talca. (2022)


Labor Relations Coordinator in BancoEstado Centro de Servicios S.A (2022-2024)

Lawyer, Tapia & CIA Abogados LTDA (2022)

Paralegal, University of Chile (2021-2022)

Paralegal, Segal S.A (2021)


Spanish and English