Our firm has been very active in the energy industry, providing creative, complete and effective legal solutions to the majority of the most important participants in the Chilean market. Our team has extensive experience in the energy industry, with specific knowledge of wind, solar, and transmission line projects, in addition to a deep understanding of their respective commercial and technical aspects. We have participated in several transactions related to renewable energy, representing a large group of international and national energy firms and investors.
We assist our clients across the spectrum of the business, from planning, regulatory advice and the development of projects, to their construction and operation, including financing, the structure of capital and the mergers and acquisitions involved.
Our clients in the energy and construction industries include Vestas, Prodiel, ENAP, Sonacol, ET Solar, LightHouse, Biwo Renovables and Ferrovial, among others. We highlight Prodiel, ET Solar, one of the biggest developers and builders of photovoltaic plants operating in Chile; ENAP, the Chilean state-owned oil company, which we advise on energy projects, corporate affairs, mergers and acquisitions, and financing; and Sonacol, a publicly traded company that owns and operates oil and gas pipelines, which our partner Jorge Lemeye joined as a member of the board. After that, the company decided to work with us in some of its most critical issues.