
Karin Law and mediation
Mr Director: In these weeks since the Karin Law has been in effect, I have noticed during meetings with clients and...

Karin versus Consumer: The Challenges of Applying Both Laws in Cases of Workplace Violence
Lawyers warn that the guideline is unclear The new labor regulation requires preventing violence from customers towards employees, which can be...

Karin Law and sensationalism
Mr Director: There is concern about the lack of knowledge spread by the media when addressing the Karin Law. In summary,...

Law 21.643 “KARIN”
As of August 1, 2024, Law 21.643, known as the Karin Law, comes into effect, amending the Labor Code and...

Panel: Subsidies fraud post-Covid-19
26TH ANNUAL TRANSNATIONAL CRIME CONFERENCE Daniel Praetorius partner at Lembeye will be participating in the panel on subsidies fraud post-Covid-19 at...

#ClavesLembeye2024 | Legislative Projects: Smart Permitting System and Enviromental Assessment 2.0
Smart Permitting System Bill, presented this month by the Government, seeks to simplify the administrative process required to obtain permits...