The objective is to provide greater certainty to companies seeking to implement this technology, where projects are already underway.

At least three initiatives seeking to incorporate the use of green hydrogen in mining are in the development stage, considering the estimated potential for this technology in the country.

In this scenario, tomorrow the government will present the ‘Guide to the Approval of Pilot Programs in Mining,» an initiative led by the Mining and Energy Ministry and the Sernageomin (National Geological and Mining Service) that is aimed at giving certainty companies seeking to use hydrogen in the mining industry, a segment that is also considered fundamental for the fuel’s use in an initial stage.

«We want Chile to be a leader in the transition to the mining of the future, a clean and innovative mining industry. The incorporation of green hydrogen in the industry is essential to achieving that change, abandoning fossil fuels for zero-emission fuels.

“Mining companies already have pilot programs for the use of hydrogen in their operations and the challenge is now to create the conditions to escalate those projects and drive new initiatives,» dual Minister for Energy and Mining Juan Carlos Jobet said. The calendar considers a series of work commissions, in which the different applications related to the use of hydrogen in in passenger transportation or to fuel large equipment will be addressed, in addition to measuring the progress made in the area to make the required regulatory adjustments needed.

applications that use this energy in the different mining processes, will be essential to laying the foundations for the safe and efficient development of green hydrogen in Chile. This guide will help to reduce market uncertainty to accelerate the introduction of green hydrogen in the mining and reduce the complexity associated with processing permits for new projects» Mining Ministry sources say.

The projects under way include one that seeks to develop the first trucks reconditioned to operate with dual fuel, aiming for hydrogen to replace the use of at least 60% of diesel in prototypes that could begin trials this very year.

The projects are led by Alset Ingeniería but diverse institutions are participating, such as NTT Data (Japan); the Catholic University and the University of Santiago; the mining firms BHP, Anglo American and CAP Minería. They are joined by Acciona, Hydrogenics and Engie. Another development that is being explored involves the use of hydrogen in fuel cells, which seeks to convert the operation of front loaders for underground mining from diesel to hydrogen. This initiative is being undertaken by the consortium led by the Federico Santa María Technical University and includes the participation of Acera, Sonami, Siemens, Collahuasi and Codelco, among other companies.

There is also a project that seeks to develop fuel modules that use batteries in the mining industry, an initiative that is one of the winners of the 2020 version of the Corfo Innova High Tech Program.

Source: El Mercurio